Thursday, April 2, 2015

Holy crap I forgot I even had a blog!

So much stuff has happened!

First of all I change a couple of the kid's code names now.
Lux = Tristana 
Draven = Ziggs
We changed it so we could call the children our "little yordles'.

We still have on-and-off communication with Tristana. 
The evil Vilemaw is still on her mission of idiocy to try and destroy Tristana's view of Wukong.
I could go on and on about the crazy crap the "woman" says to Wukong, but I'm not even going to bother at this point in time, there's so much more to talk about.

Ziggs was diagnosed with aspergers. 
I can't say I didn't see this coming.
He does have some social issues, but nothing super crazy.
He doesn't like it when people are too loud, or in his space.
He doesn't manage his emotions very well.
Ziggs is an amazing little boy, and I love him more than life.
Whenever anyone ever tells me "Oh you're so strong for going through this" I kinda want to punch them.
I have never once treated him like he was anything less than "normal", because he is completely normal.
He's my little genius with a bad temper!
I will get more into detail about what's going on with that some other time, there's just so much for me to put down all at once!

So I never said this before, but I had Ziggs out of wedlock.
Ugh I hate the word "wedlock".
It sounds creepy, and like I made terribly slutty decision.
Well I did, but he's my favorite terrible idea.
Ok he wasn't actually my idea, he was he shitty birth father's idea.
Anyways, the only reason why I bring this up is because after being away for about 4 years, he decided to be apart of Ziggs life again.
I know I probably sound like a huge hypocrite, but I do not want him in my son's life. 
I have agreed to let him see Ziggs several times, and it just Disneyland dad.
I know I'm being petty, but GGRRRR I dislike him!

Anyway, super lame place to leave you off, but I'm sleepy!

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