Monday, September 14, 2015

Honey Pumpkin Facial

It's that time of year again bitches!

Fall is upon us basic ass bitches, and I recently read an article about the effects pumpkins have on your facial skin. 

"The Internal Dermal Institute reveals that pumpkin is loaded with fruit enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids, which increase cell turnover for brighter and smoother skin. Acne can also be relieved via the zinc in pumpkin seeds. Zinc helps control oil production, and it aids in healing the skin."
-Buzzfeed Essence Grant 

Anyways, I was impressed with what I had read, so I gave it a try.
We know that honey is good for your face right? If you don't, click on the link.
With their powers combined I made a super gentle facial for the most sensitive of skins (as long as you're not allergic to honey or pumpkin). 

So, you're going to need:
-1/2 cup of pumpkin puree
-1/4 cup of local/raw/whatever honey (I used local)

Mix all that together, and apply gently to your pretty little face!
Here I am with the facial on.
I really like it because you can't really tell I have anything on my face, and my boys aren't touching me, or accusing me of being a witch.

Thanks for reading! 
I really hope someone tries it, and loves it! 

Here's a picture of a super cool Teemo breastfeeding!
If you don't follow me on Facebook, please send me a like!

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