Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Southwest Black beans and Quinoa

The recipe I'm making today is incredible healthy.

It's full of fiber, protein and nom nom 

For this recipe you will need: 
1/2 cup white quinoa 
1/2 cup red quinoa 
16 oz dry black beans 
8 oz (about half a jar) Southwest 505 green chili

Let's start with the black beans, because they take the longest. 

Dump your black beans into a large pot.

Add about 6-8 cups of HOT water to your black beans, and set the burner for the highest setting.

Bring the beans to a rapid boil for about 2-5 minutes. 

You will notice that the water is black, it is normal.

Drain your beans.

Refill the pot with clean cold water for another rinse.

This is what the water should look like after the second rinse. 

Mostly clear, some bluish, purplish, or greenish color.

Refill the pot with about 6 cups of water, and put back on the stove at about medium heat.

Cover and simmer beans for about 2-2.5 hours.

While the beans are simmering, let's start on the quinoa (pronounced keen-wah). 
You can use really any kind of quinoa you want, but I like the color white and red have together. Whatever you choose, just make sure it makes 1 cup of quinoa.

You will need two cups of water to cook the quinoa with.

Throw the quinoa and water in a medium pot, and put a tight fitting lid on it.

Cook quinoa on medium high for about 15 minutes.

This is about what your quinoa will look like when it done cooking.

The seeds are mostly transparent, and unraveled, this is perfect.

Dump about 8 oz of your 505 sauce into the quinoa. 

You can use more or less, it's really up to you.

Mix your shit up, and leave on the stove (burner off) until the beans are done.

When your beans are done, drain them one last time. 

The water will be brown.

Throw your quinoa mix in, and stir that shit up.

Finished product! 

You can throw some cheese, shredded chicken, or some ground meat in this for added flavor. 

It's really good, and I'm sure you will like it if you try it.

Nutritional Facts: 
Serving size 1 cup 
Calories: 265 
Calories from fat: 50 
Carbohydrates: 53 g 
Sodium: 95 mg 
Fiber: 8 g 
Sugar: 1 g 
Protein: 14 g 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Pumpkin Energy Bites CLEAN EATING


And about fucking time too!
Love this bitch, and I want her to eat super super healthy so her sweet wittle baby will be healthy!
(Warning it's pumpkin spice for us basic bitches)

You will need two bowls for this shit. One for dry ingredients, the second for wet.

Dry bowl:
- 3 cups of oatmeal (doesn't matter what kind, but I used old fashioned)
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin spice
- 4-6 tablespoons flaxseed meal
- 3 teaspoons black chia seed (optional)
- 1 tablespoon brewer's yeast (optional)
- 1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
- 1 cup additional add-ins (walnuts, almonds, raisins etc.) (I used almond chips)

Wet bowl
- 1 cup pumpkin puree 
- 1 cup peanut butter 
- 2/3 cup REAL maple syrup or raw honey
- 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract

Mix up both bowls, and slowly pour the dry mix into the wet mix while stirring.
Lay out a sheet of parchment paper onto a baking sheet and place the dough in smallish 1 inch balls on it.
Place in freezer for about 1 hour and enjoy!

I tried these bad boys out, and holyfuckingshit they're super good! 
Next time I plan on using white chocolate chips to get the pumpkin spice latte flavor!

Here's the finished product straight out of the freezer!

For storage line tupperware with foil or parchment paper.
Place a single line of the balls, and layer more parchment paper or foil on top of that.
Cover the tupperware with foil or a lid for freshness.
Balls are good for 1 week in the refrigerator!

Congratulations Soraka!
I fucking love you, and I couldn't be happier for you!

Honey Pumpkin Facial

It's that time of year again bitches!

Fall is upon us basic ass bitches, and I recently read an article about the effects pumpkins have on your facial skin. 

"The Internal Dermal Institute reveals that pumpkin is loaded with fruit enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids, which increase cell turnover for brighter and smoother skin. Acne can also be relieved via the zinc in pumpkin seeds. Zinc helps control oil production, and it aids in healing the skin."
-Buzzfeed Essence Grant 

Anyways, I was impressed with what I had read, so I gave it a try.
We know that honey is good for your face right? If you don't, click on the link.
With their powers combined I made a super gentle facial for the most sensitive of skins (as long as you're not allergic to honey or pumpkin). 

So, you're going to need:
-1/2 cup of pumpkin puree
-1/4 cup of local/raw/whatever honey (I used local)

Mix all that together, and apply gently to your pretty little face!
Here I am with the facial on.
I really like it because you can't really tell I have anything on my face, and my boys aren't touching me, or accusing me of being a witch.

Thanks for reading! 
I really hope someone tries it, and loves it! 

Here's a picture of a super cool Teemo breastfeeding!
If you don't follow me on Facebook, please send me a like!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Holy crap I forgot I even had a blog!

So much stuff has happened!

First of all I change a couple of the kid's code names now.
Lux = Tristana 
Draven = Ziggs
We changed it so we could call the children our "little yordles'.

We still have on-and-off communication with Tristana. 
The evil Vilemaw is still on her mission of idiocy to try and destroy Tristana's view of Wukong.
I could go on and on about the crazy crap the "woman" says to Wukong, but I'm not even going to bother at this point in time, there's so much more to talk about.

Ziggs was diagnosed with aspergers. 
I can't say I didn't see this coming.
He does have some social issues, but nothing super crazy.
He doesn't like it when people are too loud, or in his space.
He doesn't manage his emotions very well.
Ziggs is an amazing little boy, and I love him more than life.
Whenever anyone ever tells me "Oh you're so strong for going through this" I kinda want to punch them.
I have never once treated him like he was anything less than "normal", because he is completely normal.
He's my little genius with a bad temper!
I will get more into detail about what's going on with that some other time, there's just so much for me to put down all at once!

So I never said this before, but I had Ziggs out of wedlock.
Ugh I hate the word "wedlock".
It sounds creepy, and like I made terribly slutty decision.
Well I did, but he's my favorite terrible idea.
Ok he wasn't actually my idea, he was he shitty birth father's idea.
Anyways, the only reason why I bring this up is because after being away for about 4 years, he decided to be apart of Ziggs life again.
I know I probably sound like a huge hypocrite, but I do not want him in my son's life. 
I have agreed to let him see Ziggs several times, and it just Disneyland dad.
I know I'm being petty, but GGRRRR I dislike him!

Anyway, super lame place to leave you off, but I'm sleepy!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Citrus vinegar and Dishwasher liquid detergent.

 I ran out of dishwasher detergent today,

and I didn't have the time/money to get more.
I have this super atrocious allergic reaction to store bought dish soap, thus I was unable to hand wash dishes, so that was out of the question.
I also had this fantastic citrus vinegar that I had soaking just for emergencies such as this.
SOOO I made dishwasher detergent with it.
Citrus vinegar
Making citrus vinegar is incredibly easy.
all you need is vinegar, and some type of citrus fruit.

Step one:
Cut citrus fruit (such as lemons, limes, or oranges) in thin slices, or peel them and save the peel.

Step two:
Throw sliced fruit or fruit peel into a mason jar.

Step three:
Fill the mason jar with white vinegar.

Step Four:
Let it sit for at least three weeks.

The longer you let the vinegar sit, the more effective it is.
It smells fantastic too!
This is perfect if you like to clean with vinegar, but you don't like this icky vinegar smell.

So back to my dilemma with the dishwasher detergent.
I had this little stash of awesomeness just sitting around to be used, so I added a few things to it.

Step one:
Acquire squeeze bottle (such as you old dish detergent bottle) to contain your detergent.

Step two:
Pour in
One cup citrus vinegar.
One cup warm water
1/2 cup liquid castile soap
One tbsp lemon juice
4 drop lemon essential oil

Step three:
Shake that shit up!

Use like normal dishwasher detergent.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Diy Chia seed drink

Really yummy, really simple, and Draven approved!
Sorry it was my first time vlogging.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Monkey milk!

Seriously, I don't know why I couldn't find this online anywhere.

I even went to the recipe Gods known as Pinterest to find this, and it wasn't there.
So I did what any person would've done before the internet, and did it my damn self!
I know scary right?

So this recipe is INCREDIBLY easy!
Also it's completely vegan, and paleo.


So here's what you need:

3 cups of Coconut milk
2 bananas

Simple right?

Cut  your bananas into smallish slices like this ^

Measure out 3 cups of your favorite coconut milk 

Throw it all into a blender, and put it on your highest setting for about 30 seconds.

This monkey milk is naturally sweet, and creamy.

It's perfect for a breakfast drink, and little Draven LOVES it!

For storage throw this amazing milk into a large mason jar, and put it into your refrigerator. 

You can also put about 3 tablespoons of chia seeds in the mix for some added fiber and omega 3!

Friday, May 30, 2014

No soap cloth diaper detergent, and tutorial on hand washing your cloth diapers!

Remember when I said I was crunchy?

Well here I am proving it!

I scoured the interwebz FOR HOURS looking for a homemade detergent that would be safe for Teemo's sensitive newborn baby skin, and also safe for the environment.
I'm not 100% sure where I even got this idea from (if I remember I will let you all know), but I made a no soap detergent that even removes those icky yellow poop stains from my prefolds.

Step one:

(Cleaning the diaper)
Clean off all solids from the cloth diaper.
I use my detachable shower head to spray all of his poop down the drain (he's exclusively breastfed, so his poop is water soluble therefore it's safe for me to just spray his poop down the bathtub drain), then I rinse the diaper off again using very hot water.
It's very important to rinse the diapers off with hot water so your diapers don't end up with ammonia.

Step two:

(Wet pail)
Place your thoroughly rinsed diaper into a wet pail.
My wet pail at the moment.
In my wet pail I have my detergent, water (fill wet pail approximately 1/4 of the way with water), and the rinsed off diapers.
When you place your diaper into the wet pail, I suggest you take a clean plunger, and plunge the crap out of your diapers.
The plunger will suction off the remaining poop from your diaper.
Allow your diapers to soak overnight in the wet pail so the detergent can do its business. 

Step three:

In the morning when you're ready to finish cleaning the diapers, place your wet pail in the bathtub, and stomp on them for about 15 minuets.
You don't need to do this, but it helps just a little bit more with the cleaning process, and you get a small workout in.
Sometimes for added fun, I have Draven help me stomp on them before his morning bath.

Step four:

(rinsing out the diapers)
Dump your wet pail into the bathtub, and allow all the water to go down the drain.
Do not forget to rinse out your wet pail with hot water.
Take every individual diaper, and rinse it off one last time with very hot water.
Place all clean diapers into your clean wet pail.

Step five:

(Hang drying)
Wring out all of the diapers as thoroughly as possible.
Hang all the diaper as you normally would, and leave until dry.
My modest clothes line hung up in my bedroom made from a broken extension cord.
My prefolds take about five hours to dry.

The prefold on the left has never been used, the prefold on the right is one I cleaned using this method.

How to make this amazing soap free detergent

1/4th cup of Borax
1/4th cup of Baking soda
2 cups of Water

Dissolve borax and baking soda in water on stove top.
Pour borax-baking soda mix into your wet pail.
Drop 5-10 drops of lavender tea tree essential oil directly into wet pail. 
100% natural ingredients, and completely safe for the environment.

In case you were wondering why I used lavender tea tree oil for the detergent:
It smells good
Calms babies 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Simple bubbly hapiness

Draven is fond of bubbles

Unfortunately we don't always have the money to go a buy bubbles for him.
I know bubbles aren't very expensive, but I'm not going to go on a shopping trip just for bubbles, you know?
Anyway, I don't use a lot of dish soap, because I'm very allergic, so I make bubbles using that instead.
Obviously it's very simple, just take some warm water, throw in a few drops of dish soap a viola!
You just made homemade bubbles!
Draven blowing bubbles.
Draven loves blowing a tower of bubbles so he can pop them all super fast.
So yeah, super simple, super cheap fun for the kids!
Side note - add a few drops of food coloring for a little added fun.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Teemo was born!

Teemo was born on Monday, April 21!

Baby Teemo Fan art
Teemo was a small infant (at least compared to Draven), and was born 6 lbs 10 oz, 19.5 inches long.
He is really aware.
Draven was pretty much oblivious to anyone and anything when he was born, but, Teemo just looks around absorbing everything around him.
Thank the Gods he's a quiet baby though!
He's so content on just looking around.
Until he's hungry for some mommy booby that is!
Teemo fan art
I feel truly blessed to have such wonderful children in my life.
My boys are beautiful, and perfect.

Well Teemo wants to be held some more, so I will get back to you all as soon as I can!
Ahri out!