Thursday, April 10, 2014


Here's some about me.

So I have three children.
Actually I have a super awesome, super beautiful step daughter, a bio son (who is like insane, but I love him anyways), and a male fetus who is due in like 2 weeks from today.
Super awesome super beautiful Step daughter will be going by Lux.
Lux fan art

Seriously she looks like a tiny Lux!
It's Aporoble!
Well Lux lives in a different state from us, because Vilemaw (Aka Lux's bio mom) married some dude in the Navy.
Vilemaw fan art

We're heavily alienated from our little Lux, but hopefully things will be changing for the better soon.
We usually have Skype visits with Lux about 3 times a week, but Vilemaw tries everything she can to sabotage the visits.
It's really stressful, and it's not fair to Lux.
Please don't alienate your child from their other parent.
The person you're hurting the most is your child.

Oldest bio son shall be known as Draven.
Draven fan art
You all have heard the "Welcome to the league of Draven" song right?
Well little Draven is freaking obsessed with it!
He might as well be a little Draven with how self absorbed, and confident he is.
Draven is four right now, so yeah he's self absorbed; he has every right to be!
He's been in the only child situation his entire life, and I spoil him way more than I should.
I love my little Draven >^.^<

The male fetus (or youngest son) shall be know as Teemo!
Teemo fan art

I don't really know him yet, but I know I love him very much.
It's been a very stressful pregnancy, and I was scared I was going to lose him a couple times, but Teemo pulled through.
He's very strong, and I think he's pretty big.
I'm going to have to post my birthing plan with him.

Husband shall be known as Wukong!
Wukong and Ahri fan art
(Obviously I'm Ahri)
Wukong is his favorite character in the game.
Wukong husband is super awesome, and I freaking love him!
He's going to school to get his bachelors in database administration.
He's currently working full time for a tire company, and going to school full time.
He does a lot for our family, and I appreciate him so much.
Love, love, lovely love!

I'm Ahri
Pregnant Ahri
I'm currently a super fat pregnant Ahri.
I did ask for this though, I really have no one to blame but myself lol.
That's what I get for charming Wukong too often I guess!
Ah I kill myself.

Anyways I'm a crunchy mom.
I make my own soaps, and house hold cleaners.
My family eats only organic, non GMO foods.
Hopefully when I'm done being pregnant, I can work at a natural grocers while I go to school for either alternative medicine, or mortuary sciences.
I really want to sell my own products, but it's hard to get good advertising online, and start up is EXPENSIVE!
I will find a way though!

Now just because I am a crunchy mom, does not mean I'm against vaccines, or medicine from doctors.
Draven is completely caught up (even a little ahead) on his vaccinations.
I know the whole argument of "let your children fight off diseases with their own immune system", and "vaccines have been linked to autism" etc.
I'd rather have a healthy child with autism, rather than my child dying from a disease I could have prevented through vaccinations.
 If you do not want to vaccinate your child, good for you.
They're your children, and you have every right to take care of them the way you want.

Anyways this is getting run on, and a little ranty.
So goodbye for now, and I will talk to you all soon!

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